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Professional Website Design — How It Affects Your Conversion Rate

By November 2, 2012August 12th, 2021Uncategorized
SEO Strategies

Many business owners understand the fact that they do NOT have a business without targeted traffic. Therefore, they spend a lot of their resources trying to get as many visitors as possible. But while that is a good thing, many of them fail to ensure that they improve their conversion rates as well.

You will experience 100 percent increase in revenue by doubling your traffic volume while maintaining the same conversion rate. However, doubling both your traffic volume and conversion rate will give you 300% more. This means you should also pay close attention to your conversion rate if you want to increase your revenue by a big margin. One area you should focus on is your website’s design. So how does it affect your conversion rate?

1. Highlights Importance Content
There are very important aspects of the content on your pages. Great design highlights the most important aspects. Where there are many important points, a good designer will make the reader know the hierarchy all by the way he or she uses graphics and other elements.

Is your phone number critical to your business? A good design company will make sure No visitor to your site misses it. Therefore, if your business thrives on getting leads by phone, you’ll experience a higher conversion rate.

2. Makes It Easy for Scanners to Get The Information they Need To Decide
It is a fact that people don’t read through a page without first scanning through to see if it’s worth their time. A good design makes sure that the target audience sees the right points that will make them slow down and read the entire document.

A good design also ensures that distractions are reduced to the barest minimum. A poorly designed page will create a lot of distractions that will lead scanners away from your message thereby costing your sales.

3. Provides Strong Calls To Action
Every business has a most wanted response from their website. A good design makes sure that visitors are NOT left in any doubt as to what you want them to do. A lot of thought has to be put into this as any confusion means you’ll lose some sales.

You can guess what to use as calls to action. You can guess what the right position is. However, an experienced team of website designers isn’t going to rely on guesswork (Your business deserves better). They are going to implement tried and tested design elements to help you boost your conversion. Furthermore, based on their experience, they know the best places to place those strong calls to action.

4. Has A Consistent Look And Feel
A great website design has a consistency about it all through the different pages of the site. In other words, your visitors will always rest assured they’ve NOT be taken to another site (They’d rather NOT visit). It is a fact that every visitor gets a little defensive once they have to go to another site. You don’t want them to get that feeling while they are still on your site (Even if they have to go to different subdomains).

A professional website design firm will make sure that all your pages maintain that unique look and feel that has been developed for your brand all through.

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