Influenza, commonly referred to as “the flu,” is a viral infection typically caused either influenza virus A or influenza virus B. Symptoms such as aches, chills, possible fever and a persistent cough can mean that you’re coming down with a case of the flu. Common during the winter months, influenza can strike at any time during the year, even while the “lazy hazy days” of summer are in full swing. Following, you will find a brief guide to help you determine whether you have a simple cold or have managed to come down with an unfortunate case of the summer flu.

Is it cold symptoms, or is it flu symptoms?

A common cold usually begins with a painful or “scratchy” throat, which usually burns its way through your system after three to four days. A common cold rarely causes a fever, although a low-grade fever may be a possible symptom in adults.

Flu Symptoms

The flu is more often characterized by a high fever, a nagging nausea inducing headache and some will also experience an exceptionally dry scratchy throat. The flu will make you feel much more tired than you usually are at the end of a normal afternoon.

Length of Summer Flu Symptoms

The symptoms of a common cold will usually disappear around the three to four day mark for individuals with a normal immune system, while those with a compromised immune system may remain ill slightly longer.

Summer bouts of influenza, however, tend to stretch into the “event “category by often hitting the benchmark of slightly more than two weeks.

Respiratory Symptoms

The flu symptoms typically do not come with the joy of either a “stuffy” or a “runny” nose and, instead, manifest in a dry “hacking cough” which stays a little longer than the virus itself.


It is rare for the summer flu to really present with a large amount of complications, but it still pays to be wary of potential ear infections and the rare case of pneumonia.

If you have questions about flu symptoms, a case of the summer flu or any other nagging symptoms please get in touch with a medical professional as soon as possible.